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Total Ionizing Dose over satellite path


While we cannot share details on specific projects, below are some examples of the types of projects we have successfully completed for our clients.

Heritage radiation approach

Developing a radiation hardness approach for a component that meets the needs of heritage primes, selecting rad hard components and running tests for COTS components.

Heritage radiation testing

Product development

Market research to define critical requirements and product strategy for a new sub-system.

New product development

Shielding analysis

Shielding analysis and improvement plan for a LEO product to work in harsher MEO environment

Radiation shielding analysis plot

New space SEE analysis

New space board level test plan and data analysis to estimate on-orbit reset rates and verify mitigation methods. 

New space radiation testing

Component level SEE analysis

Using component level test data and simulations to determine the SEE rates for a mission. 

Single Event Effects analysis

Environment modelling

Simulating an enveloping radiation environments for a product to get requirements for procurement sub-components.

Radiation simulation tools

Power system BOM review

High power system BOM review and identifying alternative components for all destructive SEE susceptible components that have test data.

COTS parts with radiation test data

GPU selection and testing

Identifying preferred GPU options and writing board level test plans to “test as you fly.” 

Radiation testing and analysis report
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