After sharing this privately with a few users, we're finally making it publicly available. Free tools that show and help you model radiation in different orbits.
These are simple visualisation tools designed to answer the question how do radiation effects change with orbit? Very little prior knowledge or expertise needed.
There are two tools right now:
How Total Ionizing Dose (TID) and shielding requirements change based on altitude and inclination. It’s useful for initial mission scoping and as a training tool, but it’s not a substitute for detailed analysis with tools like Spenvis, OMERE etc.
How Single Event Effect (SEE) rates change with altitude and inclination. A little more complicated than the TID tool but can be used with several different types of data (heavy ion, proton, on-orbit event rate measurements) to approximate how frequently an SEE will occur at different altitude and inclinations. This tool gives a rough approximation, it’s not a substitute for rigorous models.
For the TID tool, the example below shows how much shielding you need for 15 kRad parts to survive 5 years in different orbits, clearly showing how severe things can get over 1000 km!
The video below gives a short demo of how the SEE tool works.
These tools and a more detailed description of how to use them and how they work can be found at:
Feel free to get in touch with any questions, issues or suggestion.